About Me


Hello! My name is Jacky Guo

Jacky's photo

In 2021, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Electronic Information Engineering from both
the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
& the University of Glasgow

In 2022, I received my Master's degree in Electrical Engineering
from the Northwestern University

Currently, I am pursuing a PhD in Electrical Engineering at Northwestern University and
am a member of the Image and Video Processing Lab (IVPL)

My research interests center on developing machine learning methods
for biomedical applications, image enhancement, and graph neural networks.


I love photography 📸, painting 🎨, sports 🏊, music 🎷 and travel 🧳 ...

I have over ten years of experience playing the clarinet and
have served as the principal player in my high school's wind ensemble.

I love photography and painting and have extensive experience in both
despite not pursuing them as professions